Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Storm Hits

At midnight last night the thunder storm came in and rocked this place. It woke me up with such force the casita shook. I have never witnessed such loud thunder. I had the front door opened up a crack and the light flashed through my room from the lightening. It was awe inspiring. It would have been a great night for getting up and watching it but unfortunately I don't have windows facing in the right direction. I can imagine what it must have been like out over the lake. People have told me it is spectacular with the lightening flashing behind the clouds. At times the thunder felt like it was cracking directlly over my yard. It sounded like a huge boat was breaking up and sinking in the waves but it was waves of sound instead of water. It lasted about an hour. This morning it is calm and the birds are singing, roosters are crowing as if nothing had happened last night. Maybe this time it really will be the beginning of the rainy season. We had a false start a few weeks ago.


  1. We had some crazy storms here in Texas Wednesday night. It's so awe inspiring, but I also worry about wind damage. There were broken trees and shingles everywhere.

    I like those booms of thunder that make the whole house vibrate, like when the bass speakers are too loud in a car.

    I hope you get the rain you need. We've sure been getting it here.

  2. Hi Sarah, Thank you for writing. Storms like that sure put human problems into a different perspective. Patricia
