Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The End of Another Day

Every morning Chico and I walk the block to the lake and every evening we go back for the sunset. I love to sit there with him and think about my life, what I will do that day and what I have done at the end of the day. It is so peaceful for us both. Those times center me. All of my petty worries fall away.


  1. Ahhh... I want to be there.

    I love the juxtaposition of the humble dog against the magnificent backdrop.

  2. Hi Sarah, Thank you. I am glad you are enjoying the sunset photos. I get kind of carried away with them. Chico doesn't think he is a humble dog. He thinks he is a monster, capable of fighting off anything. I love that little squirt. Patricia

  3. Ha! He does look pretty self-confident, rather serene actually.

  4. HI Sarah, Thanks for writing. Chico is only serene when he is near me and feeling loved. He is sitting in my lap in that photo. He loves to sit in my lap. He can also be very hyper. Patricia
