Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Writing Style

Today I received an e mail from a man about my blog. He liked the blog but thought my style was bland. I have not written in a blog before this and I apologize for my style. I had the idea that people scanning blogs had short attention spans and didn't want to read anything that was too complicated. That is an insult to the readers. I see that now.

But I am so cautious of how to write or what to write. I am sending this out into the world and I have no idea of how it will be received. I don't want to offend anyone! I don't say a lot of things that are happening in my life here in order not to upset anyone's sensibilities.....That does make for bland writing. There are other questions too. Like how much of my private life do I want to put up for the world to see? Not that the world cares one little bit. One person may care. And I don't want to offend that one person. People pleasing I guess........ Not a very good trait.......

By trying not to offend anyone I have washed out my personality. I am full of doubts here. I have problems and maybe these problems would give a better idea of what it is like to live in Mexico. I don't know if i will be able to over ride my extreme caution in what I say here. But I will try...... For those people who I might offend. Please forgive me in advance. Patricia


  1. Hey Patricia,

    I just stumbled onto your blog through MSN Money. I love it! Don't let the naysayers get you down; you're doing great. Your pictures are really stunning. I've long been looking for a place to live that is "not America", and hadn't really even considered Mexico as a viable option until I saw your pictures and read some of your posts. It seems really great there, and I'll definitely be coming back to your site.

    Keep up the good work! My one piece of advice is this: this is YOUR blog. You can't please everyone, and when you try you end up being just what you said: washed out. Write you think is best and the world be damned. : ) Some people just love to complain.

    I have a blog too if you want to check it out- it's about frugality and living green.

    Enjoy Mexico, and thanks for the great site!


  2. Hi Patricia, Your writing is your writing. Write from your heart and what you feel and if someone else doesn't like your style, TOUGH. I find your writing just fine.
    PS Not all ugly americans are men!

  3. Thank you both for your responses. It is nice to get feed back and not feel like I am just throwing these words and photos out to into empty space.
