Friday, September 28, 2012

La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall in Guadalajara

We finally found the mall.  No one stopped me from taking photos inside of it. I tried to take photos inside of other malls and was stopped by the security guards.

Cosmetic store
Christmas decorations already
How would you like your little kid to see one of those monsters under the Christmas Tree?
Back to the Lake


  1. Wow - looks like a person could get anything they need/want in Guadalajara. About those that Cinnabon? As if they did not have enough calories already, they added all those gooey, tempting toppings! Yum!

  2. HI Pat, Thanks for commenting. I don't know the name of those buns. All I know is that I can no longer eat things like that. I have made a list of everything I love to eat an now have to eliminate them from my diet. IBS seems to be the problems. P
