Sunday, October 14, 2012

Artist's Street Fair in Ajijic

Ajijic is filled with talented artists. Rarely do I get to photograph their work because they won't allow it. But yesterday all the artists let me take photos of them and their work. That was a real treat. I don't write much about the art scene here because I can't take photos of the paintings. But it is very much alive and well. I am writing an article about it on  It may be on there in a couple of days. I think I will go back again today. It was exciting.


  1. Wow Pat what beautiful work!Will you post some pics with your article.Javier's people pics are lovely.I really like the one with the blue frame,stairs going down and around the corner to a secret garden
    of green foliage,I would love to have that!Wish I was there.Thanks for sharing,so enjoy it


    1. HI Heather, Thanks. And thank you for commenting. I just finished the article about it on It will be up in a couple of days. P

  2. Wow - I especially like #15 - I really like that artist's work. I had seen her online, and saw her in Ajijic, but was unable to talk to her. It would be SO tempting to be there for the art many good pieces, so few walls.

    1. Hi Pat, I like her work too. She is a very productive artist. I have fewer walls than you do. No temptation for me to buy any art with no place to put it. Thanks for writing. P
