Thursday, June 9, 2011

Moving Back Home

Today is my last house sitting day on this job. I have been here forty days. It is a lovely home and I really appreciated being here when I was sick for almost a month. I got addicted to watching television. (I loved watching House and Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.  I don't know why I like to watch bad tempered men. Maybe they remind me of my father.)  I read a lot of books. I sat in the garden by the fish pond. I played with the cat. It was a good time, like a vacation. But I am now looking forward to returning to my own life and casita. And of course, to Chico. I miss that  squirt. I was over there yesterday and started my massive cleaning job. I have many days of cleaning ahead of me.

Yesterday, I received an e mail from friends in Canada. They are currently going through the purging of 35 years worth of stuff. They are moving here in a couple of months. I think they are feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all at this point. But everyone who decides to move here has to go through this process. Unless you want to pay thousands of dollars to have all that junk hauled down here.

I meet a nice man yesterday and he told me a story about a previous housemate he had. She brought down 180 boxes of stuff and furniture.  It cost her 7,000 dollars. It is expensive to move all your junk here.  I believe that this letting go process is good for people. I know it was good for me.  I felt so much lighter after it was all over. But now it is time for me to go through this process again with my  casita.

It is five in the morning and I can't sleep. I get extremely anxious when I transition from one place to another. I make a terrible traveler.


  1. i've been awake since 3:15 thinking about our move. i tried telling you in a previous post that we're moving to japan. seems i've been doing something wrong since some of my comments have not gone through, not only on yours. anyway, we go for a househunting trip next week then move in mid july.

    i will write more when i get a chance. i need to get ready for work.

  2. Sounds like I am not the only one who stays up nights when it is transition time. Thank you for writing. That is a huge move. I hope you will be very happy in your new life. Patricia

  3. Hey Patricia,
    Are you ok? I noticed you hadn't posted in a few days...hope everything's fine and you're just busy. :)

    Karen in VA

  4. HI Karen, Thank you for your concern for me. I have just been reorganizing my little casita. Patricia
