Monday, April 30, 2012

Pepper is Checking out Marie's New Yard

Pepper could have sat there for hours gazing out at the yard.

Dinner at La Nueva Posada

Living Art on the Ajijic Plaza

This art project was a living room, complete with a working television, a place to eat and a bed. People were just living their lives out in public. Interesting way to spend a Sunday.

A Busy Sunday on the Ajijic Plaza

Looks like the Church is ready for a wedding.
A new ice cream shop near the plaza
Vegetable stand on the plaza.
Carolina, having fun
They all wanted to be in the photo

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lake Chapala Society

Would you like a cup of tea?

Down Colon Street to LCS

The bus stop

Inside the Cultural Center at the Ajijic Plaza

Pepper seems to be enjoying the paintings.
The photos above are inside a very narrow and high room in the cultural center. The entire room is a mural. Beautiful. The artist is Jesus Lopez Vega.