Monday, January 14, 2013

Morning Thoughts

My stitches are starting to go away and I am getting very restless. I want to get back in the swimming pool. Maybe in a few days......  This waiting to heal can be boring.  I have been going out to lunch with friends and that adds to the necessity to start swimming again.

One conversation with a friend brought up some interesting parallels between doctors and mechanics. He said, Doctors are like mechanics. They try to scare you into having unnecessary surgeries so they can make money. If you take your car to a mechanic and he starts talking about brakes and how you might have major accident unless such and such is replaced, you do it.   They use big words that mean nothing to you and are meant just to confuse you.  Doctors are the same way. They will send you from one specialist to another. They use their own big words or trigger words, like Cancer.  Best to just stay away from both mechanics and doctors.

I think the real problem is knowing which doctor or mechanic you can trust. Friends might recommend one and that person may have been great with him or her but awful with you.  It is a pot shot.  And how about that heart doctor who told me one price and after he did the test he tripled it? Mechanics do the same thing.

I gave my car away before I came down here. I realized that I could either spend my money on mechanics or doctors. I didn't have enough money to pay for both. I chose my body.

I wish I had a magic wand that I could use to pass over a potential doctor so I could see into his soul and know if he could be trusted or not.  I don't worry about mechanics anymore since I don't own a car. Thank God. 


  1. A truism from my working days was that a man needed three people he could trust, a doctor, a lawyer and a mechanic. Holds true in my retirement as well.

    1. Hi Norm, Very true. I think I would add to that list a Trusted Friend.... Thanks for commenting. P

  2. We should add to that list - a trusted financial advisor...

    1. Hi Donna, That is true although I have never had that much need of one since I am on such a limited income. Thanks for commenting. P

  3. I have discovered the best way to trust anyone is to learn their vocabulary. If you know the jargon, logic can then be your best guide. The corollary to the rule is to never trust anyone with your life decisions. They are your own.

    1. HI Steve, Thank you for that very interesting comment. And also very true.... I also don't ever believe anyone who says TRUST ME all the time..... P

  4. Hi Patricia, two cents...I believe in getting a second opinion about serious matters. It will definitely cost more, but the added peace of mind would be worth it, to me.
    Karen in VA

    1. Hi Karen, Thank you for commenting. That is a good idea. And make sure that the second person isn't in any way connected to the first person..... P
