Friday, December 13, 2013

Chico and the Fleas

This isn't a good photo of Chico but, like me, he hates to have his picture taken. I won't bother him with another one. You can see his cute little jacket. It is cold here in the mornings. Leslie gave this to him. The maid came in this morning and she said the vet said that Chico had Muchas, Muchas pulgas. Pulgas means fleas in English. I won't forget that word. I have had to learn it the hard way. He had Muchas Muchas of them.......  So it isn't bedbugs. I took my bed apart and found nothing.... The spa water really helped with my bites. I am going to spend several more hours there again today.


  1. Poor Chico!!!! He looks well loved! Oregon Pam

    1. Hi Pam, Good to hear from you again. Come on down. It is so beautiful here now. p

  2. Chico needs a dog treat from Canada to cheer him up - if he was here the fleas would die from the snow, cold and freezing rain - looking forward to meeting you both next week - Merry Christmas from Geri (coming with my travel buddy, Peggy)

    1. Thank you for writing Geri. I am looking forward to seeing you and Peggy. p
