Thursday, April 9, 2020

Apple cider vinegar

This is the Apple cider vinegar that I am making. I just strained out all the apples. It sat with the apples for several weeks. Now it has to sit another month. I hope it is Successful. Who says that I have nothing to do? I can watch apples turn into vinegar. Entertainment for another month!


  1. Hope it's successful. I thought you needed to press the apples for juice then I guess you wait for it to turn to vinegar. Never made any so I don't know. Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be really good for you, especially if you have it daily. Let us know if you are successful!

  2. Hi Pat,
    I read your past several posts. I was wondering what was happening in Mexico, so thank you for the update. Today marks the 4th week of "online teaching" for me. I have to say it is much more difficult than I would have thought. But here in our little Virginia city, we are doing okay. Definitely some cases, but everyone I know is staying in, except "essential personnel." Take care! Karen in VA

    1. Hi Karen, good to hear from you again and know you are okay. Thanks wor writing. Happy Easter. P

  3. Happy Easter to you!!!
    Karen in VA

    1. Thank you Karen. Same back to you. Remember the fun phone calls with your students? P

    2. Oh, yes. I have some of those same students now in 7th grade! Of course, it's all online now... That was so fun!
      Beautiful day here, walked the dogs but did not go in the park nearby. Too many people...with our 4 pound pups, social distancing was a thing long before now! ( We have a barker, a jumper, a blind dog, and an old beagle)
      Have a good week,
      Karen in VA

    3. Hi Karen, thanks for the update. I hope all of this will be over soon so we can get back to our lives. P
