Monday, September 16, 2019

Morning thoughts

Today is Mexican Independence Day. I am on my way to the parade. Tonight is the war of the flowers. I will be there too. Then tomorrow I hope to get to the spa to soak my feet in the hot waters. They hurt from all the walking. Last night were the children's games. They lasted six hours. Six hours of standing and walking and taking photos. I am tired. My feet hurt. But at least I quit worrying that my toes are going to fall off.

My local doctor read the complete blood panel I had taken. He said, " you have the body of a 26 year old". He was really impressed. But I feel eighty six today. My back is the back of an eighty six year old. It was nice hearing that I am not dying, at least not yet. So lots more photos coming are coming on here in the next few days. Happy Independence Day everyone. I am off to the parade. My poor feet!

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