Monday, December 30, 2019

Morning thoughts

I haven't been writing because of the holidays. They depress me. The hardest part of living in Mexico, for me, is being so far from my family. I have a son and daughter-in-law in Kansas. Talking for a few minutes on the phone just doesn't cut it. I don't have grandchildren or it would even be more difficult. Being away from family, and especially grandchildren is the biggest reason women go back to the USA to live. I have seen it many times.

The second hardest part for me is all the noise. We have a lull for a few days and I have been able to catch some sleep. But it will start up again now for the New Year's celebrations. On Christmas Eve, I thought a live band was playing in my neighborhood. I was awake until four in the morning. Finally, I stuck my head out the door to look for it. Two doors from my house was a bonfire in the street and three very drunk Mexican men were sitting on the sidewalk with their music blasting from the house.

During these holidays, many Mexicans celebrate the same way. And they leave ashes and burnt wood on the streets. Around six in the morning it was finally quiet. I fantasized about going to their house and blasting music in their windows so they couldn't sleep. But I did nothing. This is their country, not mine. And the holidays always remind me that I am a stranger here. An immigrant.

All the fireworks and noise made me start thinking about San Antonio Days. Last year it was twelve days of music, day and night. I found out that it starts June 13th this coming year. I have to be out of here for those days. Anyone out there wanting to hear some loud Mexican music and stay here and take care of Chico and Olive? Let me know if you do. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Holidays

Check out Olive, sleeping on my keyboard. That is her favorite place. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Morning thoughts

I have been sick with a cold for over a week and staying home. I took a short walk to the San Antonio plaza this morning and noticed that the three altars dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe have been taken down. No wonder the fireworks have finally stopped. At least for a few days, until we get closer to Christmas. There are Christmas lights strung up in my neighborhood and I have watched two Christmas parades coming down my street at night. Both had fire engines blasting out their sirens. My dog was howling. He hates those high pitched noises. Each time I thought maybe one of my neighbors had a fire and I ran out to see where they were headed. Happily, I saw the parades instead. People were throwing candy to children from the backs of trucks and Christmas music was playing. Children were chasing after them. Would have put me in the mood for the holidays if I hadn't been so sick.

This morning I took Chico for a short walk to the Plaza and I took a few photos of the decorations and the stands.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Morning thoughts, What can I eat????

I went to the Wednesday market this morning for my weekly food shopping. Came back with nothing more than a small bunch of watercress. All because of my new diet. A few weeks ago I decided to try to go Vegan. That didn't work out so well. I couldn't keep to all the restrictions. I was okay with no meat, chicken or sea food.  Not so okay with no butter, milk, or cheese. I was told to eat lots of beans. And greens. That didn't work out so well either.  I had to stay home most of the time.

Since I have no thyroid, I checked what I should eat, or not, eat for that kind of diet. No cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, kale, spinach, cabbage, Brussels sprouts. (There goes the majority of the greens). No processed foods, sugar, soy and very few beans. I don't think I will miss all those beans.  So now almost everything has been crossed off my list. Except watercress and sprouts. I AM HUNGRY.

Ajijic Wednesday market