Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Sunset in Ajijic

I took Chico for my evening walk to the lake to watch the sunset. It got even more spectacular than these photos but my camera battery went dead. I need to buy another battery so that doesn't happen again. But, so far, I haven't found a place here that sells them. Maybe I will have to order one online and have my son bring it down when he comes at Christmas time. I am really looking forward to the arrival of my family. They will be here a little over a week. I see them more often now then when I lived in the States. Sometimes women will write to me and say they don't want to move to Mexico because they will never see their families. My experience is the opposite. Who wouldn't want to visit their mother in Mexico as opposed to Red Bluff or any other city in the States? I have a much better relationship with my family since I moved here. Maybe partly because I am happy. That makes it easier for them to be with me. Happiness is contagious.

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