Friday, July 10, 2009

My Fact Checker

I went into Chapala today to swim and stopped by the outdoor restaurant where my friends sometimes hang out. I talked with my friend Nick for a few minutes. He said he had been trying to e mail me. Many times I don't receive my e mails. He wanted to tell me that the world famous sleeping dog in the Plaza that I said was named Rusty is not Rusty but Rocky..... This is from a much older post that I don't want to try to find right now as it is hot and buggy by my computer. Another older post had a photo of what I said was a man gazing into the local beauty college.... He said that was a woman, not a man. Nick reads my blog often and he said he would be my Chapala fact checker from now on. I am wondering.....what percentage of two cents a day profit that I make on this blog should I pay him???? I want to be fair to him. Nick is the one with two pairs of glasses. The other one is his backup. I forgot his name. But these two men keep me in line.....Notice their expressions. Nick told me that one cent a day seemed fair to him. Fifty percent of my profit.... Why not?


  1. I think he does it for the love and respect for truth and for you. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend..."

  2. Hi K-Sue, Thank you for your comment. Yes, Nick is a special friend.
