Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Egrets, Cranes and Single Men

My friend Ray.
Above is my friend Don. I ran into Ray and Don on the plaza in Chapala on my way to the pool. I stopped and had an orange juice with them. These are part of the five single men my friends and I were able to count up the other day at lunch. They are both nice men. Ray says he likes Mexican women instead of Americans. He says he doesn't like white skin. He would make an exception only if the American woman was extremely beautiful and had a good figure. (That leaves me out. Too much pressure there.) Don has become very reclusive since he took on the housesitting job out of town. So they are single but unavailable. I walked on to the pool and had a nice swim. Who needs men anyway????

I walked into town yesterday to see if I could use the pool. I found this bird walking around at the fence by my house. Is this an Egret or a Crane?

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