Friday, May 22, 2009

Evening on the Lake in Ajijic. Boys Swimming. Chico's New Friends

Above is Russ. He is housesitting. I met him and one of the dogs he is caring for on the beach last night. Russ is Canadian. Seems like almost everyone I meet here is Canadian.

This man comes down almost every night with his horse. He is teaching the horse to dance. He is always too far away from me to get a photo of the horse dancing.

Above is the other dog in Russ's care. They are friendly dogs. They got along okay with Chico although I was nervous. I am always nervous when bigger dogs start sniffing around Chico. I don't want to have to break up a dog fight. Again I ask the question, How far would you go for your dog? For anyone who has read my older post on the man who drowned while trying to save his dog here a couple of months ago, I found out that the dog survived.

Boys swimming. I have thought about doing that but everyone tells me that the water is too polluted.


  1. How far would I go for my dog? My old friend is sitting beside me on the dash. I live in a RV. She was my constant companion for 18 years. I don't make friends easily. I am somewhat reclusive. I always had Surely Not. My little wart with Andy Rooney's eyebrows. When she passed a year ago I had her cremated. I found a coyote hand puppet and her little box fit perfect. I told my kids that when I die, I want to be cremated and to scatter both Surely's and I ashes together. I am not crazy, I just know that there will never be a bond between me and another dog or human that I had with Surely Not. She was always a constant during the hardest time in my life. How far will I go for my dog? Eternity.

    I have two pups Lu and Fi. They are alot of fun and Mom and I enjoy them very much. Yeah I would be silly enough to break up a fight, save them from drowning, etc. They are family.

    Great post, great pictures.

    Pepper from Little House

  2. Hi Pepper from Little House, Thank you for writing and sharing your love for your dog. Your words touched my heart because I had a dog named Papita who was my constant companion for 13 years. She went through my mother's death with me and I don't know what I would have done without her comforting. My mother died four years ago and Papita died three years ago. I am still grieving over them. A large part of myself died with them. We all lived together. I guess this is one reason why I enjoy this blog, it brings me back to life and the world..... I understand your depth of emotion....Thank you again for writing. Patricia
