Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Las Posadas

Every year the children gather with their parents at the church and from there they walk around the different neighborhoods asking for lodging for Joseph and Mary. The two children chosen to play those parts walk in front. Well, Mary gets to ride on the Burro.

They chant certain sayings and the people at various houses chant back verses meaning NO. Finally they come to the right house and they are let in. There is a party with Pinatas and goodie bogs called bolas. The children who walk behind the burro are called pastores and pastoras, meaning shephards and shephardesses. They carry baculas, which means walking staffs or faroles, meaning paper lanterns. It is great fun. Anyone can walk along with them.
Loretta with Tammy's dog
Tammy's dog liked the posada


  1. Thank you for commenting. I am glad you enjoyed it. p

  2. I feel that Mexico is rich with special spiritual and very joyful social traditions that makes for a very happy place to live so I can understand loving it like you do! It seems so welcoming and beautiful. I love how much the countrymen focus and adore their children! They are just precious! Pam in OR

    1. Thank you Pam for writing. Yes, I do love Mexico and all the beautiful children. p
