Saturday, June 22, 2019

Morning thoughts

It has taken me many days to recover from San Antonio Days celebration. Twelve days and nights of almost nonstop music. I may have been able to sleep three hours a night, if I was lucky. If I am living here at this time next year I will go on a vacation. I will not do this again. I was having dizzy spells from lack of sleep.

The rainy season is here and we have rain just about every evening. It is nice. Makes for cooler days.

I haven't been paying much attention to my blog. I don't do much these days. Just staying home, cooking,  cleaning, reading, or just enjoying the new found peace and quiet.  Maybe the blog is slowly dying. People are interested in all the exciting things happening here, not interested in my personal life. It isn't much different from the lives of people living north of the border. Like living in a small town. I grew up in a small town. Maybe that is why I am so happy here. I don't see very many expats down in my area. I am near the plaza. I now know the local old men and their dogs who hang out on the benches most of the day. Well, I know them enough to wave and make a little small talk. If I don't understand what they say, it doesn't matter. Just passing the time together.

Most people are friendly to me, even though I am an outsider. Except for the checker at the local grocery store. I finally stopped shopping there after many rude reactions from her. The only reason I could figure out for her hatred of me was that I am an expat living in a Mexican community. Now I know what it feels like to be discriminated against. Not a good feeling. No matter what I did I could not get her to see me as a person, like her. She just reacted to me as a symbol of what she didn't like, an expat woman... invading her territory. So I stopped shopping there.

Sometimes I feel guilty for not writing on the blog. And then I write out of that guilt. This is a very bad sign. I am not making money from writing on it. The only thing I get out of doing this is the pleasure of it and meeting people at times. So if it is no longer pleasurable, then it has run it's course. I will see if I can revive an interest in keeping it alive. If not, then the slow death will probably continue for awhile longer. Everything changes. I must go with the change and admit to what is happening here. Guilt is not good for my health.


  1. Pat, I hope you do continue blogging, at least for as long as you enjoy it. I've certainly enjoyed following along with your adventures. Have you asked Access Lake Chapala if you can reprint your blogs on your site? That would provide you with more blog posts and photos that some of your readers might not have seen.

    Sorry to hear about the unkind treatment you received from the local storekeeper.

  2. if you enjoy blogging do continue! We like your blog...I like your honesty!
