Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ambrosia Gold Apples

These apples are named Ambrosia Gold. The are the sweetest apples I have ever eaten. I bought one from Walmart the other day. I decided to take the long, hot walk up there for some more. When I got to the cash register, the woman didn't know the price. She asked someone else and she didn't know. So she just swept the two apples aside and told me that I couldn't buy them. I begged her, sweat running down my face, telling her I had walked a long ways just for them. She finally took pity on me and guessed at a price, rang them up and I paid and left for the long walk home. I am guessing that they may have come down from Washington or Oregon. There were all different kinds of apples there but these are my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. I love them as well but here in South Carolina they are hard to find.
