What to do?????

Well here he is AGAIN...... I took down the thorns because I was afraid of hurting the poor dog. I think the dog has won this round. I yelled at the dog's owner to close up the hole from his side. He speaks English. He said, "Okay, no problem." But I wouldn't bet on him doing anything about it.
Just today I read in the news about two Pit Bulls attacking their owner and killing her in the woods. There was a photo online of this beautiful young woman with her pit bull resting his head on her shoulder. They had never been violent until the attack. A vet made a comment that if pit bulls get scared, sometimes they attack. This really scares me. I am at my wits end about this dog.
Here is my next defense. I tried closing up that hole with my old mops. Oh what a lovely garden I have now, filled with chicken wire, a chicken wire fence, black plastic and old mops. And still the neighbor does NOTHING about the problem....

This is the fence that my landlord previously put up on my washroom roof to keep the dog out. Lovely.
This is my next fix, old mops.....
So you can see what is happening. My beautiful garden has become a junk yard.
I just went to the hardware store and bought more chicken wire and plastic. I put it up. But if I had to bet on it, I would bet that it doesn't work. How lovely my garden looks now. UGH!

So I got the neighbor to come over and look at the mess in my yard. My now junk yard. Then I got him to talk to my landlord. His excuse for not fixing it is that he doesn't have the money. Chicken wire is twenty pesos. I know because I just bought some. He is too busy starting up his marathon Christmas party that lasts from now until after Christmas. (Beer costs a lot more than a bit of chicken wire.)
My landlord came over with his wife and they added more to the barrier. Here is the newest addition.

He added bricks and a long board and even threw in a spare tire. That long board is wired down. What do you think? Would you bet on it holding? Do you think my garden should be photographed for a gardener's magazine?
I am continuing with this saga so people can see what happens in Mexico with irresponsible neighbors. There is no government agency to call. In Mexico everyone is on his or her own. It helps if you have a lot of tolerance. Tolerance is something I ran out of on the last go around with the pit bull.