Friday, August 9, 2013

Yet Another Morning Thoughts--Anticipating the Future

My last Morning Thoughts post seems to have affected some of my readers. I am always happy to get that kind of feedback. It is strange to be writing my thoughts and sending them out into cyberspace, not knowing if they will be read or appreciated by others. For those of you who commented, thank you. Your comments are much appreciated and what keep me writing.

I am getting ready for a beach trip. I have never been to the Oregon beaches. This is going to be a real pleasure for me. I hope.

I will take lots of photos and post them in a few days. I will be offline for awhile. We are returning Sunday evening. The two dogs are going with us. They love the beach. My son has been saying the magic word, BEACH, to them for several days. They get excited for a brief moment and quickly forget about it when they see that no one is walking out the door. They go back to their naps. (I wonder what dogs dream about.) I keep telling my son that dogs don't anticipate the future and to quit teasing them with the BEACH word. It only confuses them.

I am rereading a book about Happiness. Titled 'Stumbling on Happiness' by Daniel Gilbert. One of his first statements is that the main thing separating us from animals is our ability to anticipate the future. Animals can't do that.  They are always in the present. It is an interesting concept.

 I am starting to anticipate my trip back to Ajijic. Chico is now home with my landlord. He was staying with a friend for a month while my landlord was in Canada. My friend said that the first thing Chico did when he got into our yard was to run to my door. I feel badly about not being there for him. I love that little squirt. I am glad he will be there to greet me when I arrive. Wish I could have done the same for him. I don't know what I would do without Chico's loving presence in my life. I know I would be a very lonely woman.

Since I have been here, I have received two letters. Both were from cremation services. Planning ahead is what they were advertising. Planning ahead for your death. I have no idea of how they got my address or how they knew I am old enough to even consider that kind of service. But my cremation isn't what I was thinking when I mentioned looking forward to the future...... or planning the future. Surely, there must be a lot more fun things for me to look forward to between now and that service.  For one, the BEACH.......

 Even though the dogs are incapable of anticipating it, I can and I am. After all, looking forward to something is half the fun. And in some situations, more fun. (At this age, I have been to a lot of disappointing events. Things that didn't come anywhere near living up to my expectations. Including a couple of marriages....)  I will write again after I return. I hope!


  1. There are few places on this planet as beautiful and stunning as the Oregon coast. I seriously considered retiring there. And I may still buy a place there for stops when I swing through Oregon.

    1. Hi Steve, Thanks for that news. It is going to only be 60 degrees with a 20% chance of thunderstorms so I was not looking forward to it. This gives me hope. P

  2. Hi, Pat.

    I think dreaming is half the fun of all things!

    We can always dream the dream and keep our hopes alive.

    Have a great day.

    Your friend from far away.

    1. Thank you Friend from Far Away. Hope you have a great day too. P

  3. Hi Pat, I am back from Ajijic. I had a wonderful time. Met more people from the states who say "I will never go back". My friend loved the village which I was relieved about. I am very sorry, though, that out paths didn't cross. Maybe next year! Sounds like you're enjoying your extended visit to Portland.

    1. Hi Lorrie, I too am sorry we didn't meet but glad you enjoyed your visit. Thanks for keeping in touch. Next year..... p
