Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chico Knows How to Relax on a Rainy, Gloomy Day

Chico is looking at me suspiciously. He sees my camera. He doesn't like the flash but it didn't go off this time. He found the softest spot in my casita, on my bed and all my pillows. We are just hanging out in the casita these days, hoping the sun will come out again. ( I am hoping that. I don't know what Chico hopes. Maybe he doesn't hope anything until the time comes. Like when I am ready to walk out the gate. Then he lets me know he hopes to go with me.)

We did take a short walk this morning. It rained on us. Chico didn't mind. He just likes to take walks. I am sure going to miss this little squirt when I start house sitting again. I may have to come back and visit with him from time to time.


  1. Hi Patty,

    You have such a wonderful companion!
    Better then Human!Haha
    His mane is Chico.And He looks so cute!


    1. Hi Min, Good to hear from you again. Yes, Chico and I are great friends. I always feel a little guilty when I have to leave him but I also know that his owner loves him and will take good care of him while I am gone. P

    2. Hi Patricia

      Cute pic !!!! sorry for all the rain..we have had some much needed rain here in NC and my plants are loving it....hope you get some sunshine soon
      Not long til our next Ajijic visit ...2 and half months and counting
      My husband has been trying to check on the lakeside crime and can't find that webiste anymore..do you know have they removed it ?
      He is wondering how things are as far as the restaurants are open later in the evenings now and if it is safe to walk out at ngt now
      Thanks ..take care
      P.S still read your blog daily and enjoy it and LOVE your pics

  2. Hi Collette, Thanks for writing. That crime site isn't on anymore. I don't know why. You can look at the Guadalajara Reporter online and get the headlines. I still don't go out at night so I don't know how late the restaurants are open but I think they are back to normal. We do still have crime here. But isn't it everywhere? P

  3. Pat: Here is a new crime tracker site. They say it was down recently because of the high winds, but is now working: http://lakesidecrimetracker.com/

    1. Thank you Pat. I will check it out right now. P

    2. Thanks Pat and Pat :-)

      That server says it is still down to high winds


    3. Hi Collette, I just checked it. It is up now. Thanks for writing. P

  4. Such a darling picture of Chico. He looks so comfy. I enjoy your comings and goings.

    I am more of a morning person myself. Use to love the night life but anymore love to light my candles, read and enjoy the evening. Funny how we change. I like to be all tucked in for the evening. I love photography as well . . . the computer and a camera seems to make a nice fit.

    Sounds like you are enjoying your house sitting experiences.

    Take care Pat!


    1. Hi Jennilynn, Thank you for commenting and telling me something about yourself. Sounds like we have some things in common. Thank you also for your good wished. I appreciate that a lot. P
