Thursday, April 9, 2009

View of the Sacramento River through Red Bluff

Red Bluff is a Norman Rockwell kind of town..... Not a bad place to live if you are raising a family or if you want peace and quiet.... But I have been terribly depressed here. I think I am suffering from Mexico withdrawals and Music withdrawals....I hope to get back there ASAP. I am not online and can't spend much time on the internet when I do find a place to do it so I am not answering any e mails either. I am too depressed and busy trying to get out of here anyway. Sorry. Things will look up when I return home, Meaning MEXICO.


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling so down. I hope you feel better soon and that you are able to return to Mexico, where your heart is.

  2. Get a cd player, a good supply of coffee and cookies and keep packing.
